Damiano Francesconi - Kinesiologist

Children and Corrective Gymnastics

Do you want to improve your child’s posture with a program of postural gymnastics exercises to correct his musculoskeletal defects?

What is corrective gymnastics

Meaning and objectives of corrective gymnastics for children

The classical expression “corrective exercises” refer to exercises aimed at preventing and treating paramorphism and dismorphism that affect young people at development age such as dorsal hyperciphosis, lumbar hyperlordosis and scoliosis.

The specialist (orthopaedic or phisiatrist), after a careful examination, prescribes only the corrective exercises as part of a therapy which includes also other interventions (orthosis, drugs, etc…).

Correttive exercises are mainly the following ones·: Stretching of myofascial retractions; Strengthening of weak muscles; Searching for the correct posture in static and dynamic conditions; Perception and self-correction of postural deficiencies.

If the treatment is carried out correctly and systematically, the results are excellent.

Postural self-correction

Searching for the correct posture

Stretching exercises

Muscle strengthening

Your Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about corrective gymnastics and children's posture

The duration varies depending on the prescription of the specialist doctor and the severity of the case. If dealing with paramorphisms (e.g. scoliotic or cipholitic postures), the treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. On the other hand, dealing with dismorphisms (e.g. scoliosis or structural ciphosis), the specialist usually prescribes a cycle of remedial gymnastic of 6/9 month to carry out every year until reaching bone maturity.

These are scoliosis, dorsal hyperlordosis, lumbar hyperlordosis

Scoliosis is characterized by a deviation of the vertebral column in the three planes of space. Scoliosis appears on an X-ray of the vertebral column as a lateral deviation right or left which can be localized, depending on the case, at the lumbar, dorsolumbar or dorsal level. Besides it can be single or double curvature.

This is an accentuation of the physiological lumbar curve on the sagittal plane.

This is an accentuation of the physiological dorsal curve on the saggital plane.

There is a very manoeuvre (the Addams test) which can also be performed by a parent The child with bare chest and feed must bend the bust forward and the parent, positioned behind him, observers whether the back is symmetric. If the parent observed an over-raising of site of the back, it is possible there is a structural scoliosis. In this case it is advisable that the child undergoes a specialist medical test (physiatrist or orthopaedic).

A school bag doesn’t give you scoliosis!

The school rucksack does not cause scoliosis. However, carrying excessive loads is not good for the vertebral column of children in the developing years, above all in the presence of pathological curvatures.

Damiano Francesconi

Kinesiologist with 25 years of experience in the prevention and treatment of the main paramorphisms and dysmorphisms of the evolutionary age.

Chinesiologo Bambini

I am a kinesiologist and a motor and postural re-educator with 25 years of experience, since 1995 I help children to correct postural defects that arise from musculoskeletal problems.

In my professional career I have helped hundreds of people improve their lives through the dissemination, prevention and treatment of major postural problems.

Contact me if you want to improve your child’s posture with a specific exercise program to correct his postural defects.

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Read my latest articles to improve the posture of the little ones!

Do you want to improve your child's posture with a program of postural gymnastics exercises specific for the correction of his musculoskeletal defects?