Whether or not to use the lumbar corset?

The use of the lumbar protection corset (with posterior ribs and anterior straps) has been in recent years one of the most debated subjects amongst specialists.

Those in favour maintained that the corset could help you to:

  1. Reduce the compression of the vertebral discs.
  2. Reduce back pain.

Those against maintained that the corset:

  1. Could weaken the lumbar musculature.
  2. Did not reduce back pain.

Today, scientific-practical evidence, has lead to wider vision of the problem. It is necessary overall to evaluate:The work carried out by a person ( whether they usually lift weights, whether they sit for many hours or whether they work in a damaging position for the back) and the the specific problems of the individual to whom it is advised to use a lumbar corset.

The guidelines recognised by the scientific community maintain that the corset can be used when needed, but not for all the day.

In this way there is no risk of weakening the lumbar musculature.

Practical exemples:

If a person carries out heavy work, it is advisable to wear it from the middle of the morning until the lunch break and then to put it back on in the middle of the afternoon. ( the corset can cause disturbance during digestion).

If the person drives long distance,it is advisable to usethe corset at the onset of tiredness of the back muscles.

People who do heavy domestic jobs or gardening must wear the corset.

In general I advise always wearing the corset when performing jobs which strain the vertebral column.

I suggest Wearing the corset without tightening it. n this case its use assumes a corrective function, ie indicates the most correct position to adopt.

Finally, which corset to choose? The market offers many types, some very valid, other decidedly “importable”. Above all it is necessary to make a distinction.

If the corset is prescribed by a specialist doctor, it is better to adopt the type recommended. If however it is bought as a preventive measure, without a specific indication, it is advisable to go to a good orthopaedic shop or a chemist and seek advice.

The corset which in general is “tolerated” best by people is the most simple one: light, with two plastic posterior supporting ribs and a fastening with a practical front straps (to be put on and taken off quickly).

Luigi Vielmi
